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Finding your tribe

One of the most enjoyable and inspiring books I have read this year has been Sir Ken Robinson's "Out of our Minds"  and my ref...

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

From curation to creation

I have invested some time in learning and using scoop.it over the past few months. My topics have increased, as have the follows, so that's all good. Recently, prompted by a contact @sensor, who I got to know through another part of my pln, @timbuckteeth, I have also revisited pearltrees. At first I found the interface tricky but with interaction and support from @sensor I am getting it. Suddenly, as I explored a penny dropped... The more I curated the more I saw links and was moved to create. This is true of language acquisition too - the greater the exposure the more likely you are to have the tools to create your own language to express own thoughts.

Seems to me that it is time to revisit this http://education.ed.pacificu.edu/aacu/workshop/reconcept2b.html
as part of the virtual exchange project this year. It can also be one of my objectives in the #change11 mooc as the result will be more comprehensive when shared and developed collaboratively.

Note to self: Why do I have my best ideas when I'm really busy ??

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

#change11 MOOC

Just as I thought I was starting to see light at the end of a long summer tunnel, the #change11 MOOC is getting underway. The programme is interesting https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CPSOtI4C&key=0AsQEdp4A5UZOdGJaSkpKNGJyekR5OXh0QXRSRVFEWnc&hl=en&authkey=CPSOtI4C#gid=0 but I need to get selective if I am not to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material. A quite few moments are scheduled this week to draw up my priorities and goals. Tonght I have read and viewed some introductory material, little and often seems to be the best appraoch for now.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Finding your tribe

One of the most enjoyable and inspiring books I have read this year has been Sir Ken Robinson's "Out of our Minds"  and my reflections on this year's ALT-C conference #altc2011 have brought me back to Sir Ken's explanation of our existence as "suspended in webs of significance". In our quest for ever deeper understanding of our specialised field he points to the danger of our losing sight of the bigger picture, and the importance of maintaining open networks that support collaboration and innovation. At the conference Seb made it clear that ALT's doors are open to all who wish to share their insights into the use of technology in teaching and learning, whatever their professional context: published authors, lauded innovators, movers and shakers mixed with web developers, administrators, lecturers and e-learning advisors. The mix is becoming increasingly international and interactions more public through the use of social networking and web 2.0 tools. This broadening of access will raise wider awareness of the bigger questions in our area of technology use and can only help to inform decision making.
From a personal perspective I realised that I found my "tribe" at ALT-C this year,  or at least one of the tribes that make up a rather complex identity as a linguist, teacher, teacher educator and learning technologist. (not to forget -  mum, wife, homemaker, kitchen sink philosopher, lapsed gym bunny etc etc) and that will be a source of support and inspiration as we start another busy year. @amcunningham's words on managing our digital identity, Sandra Fitton-Wilde's frank exposure of technology resistance amongst some learner groups are just some examples of the insights that will feed directly into my activities. Thanks ALT-C for charging my batteries :)

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

ALT-C 2011

Opportunities to meet with others who share similar challenges and experiences, be they new friends or existing acquantances, are always enriching. They are also stressful and demanding - you travel miles, get out of your comfort zone and juggle competing demands on your time in an already busy life. However, I have realised today just how the kindness and simple courtesy of those around you makes everything easier. I know from my experience last year that the alt-c is a busy conference bringing together people who are experts in their field, what has impressed me is how friendly everyone is. Whether it is a helping hand with your luggage, a door held open, a cheerful "I'll show you the way" - these simple things provide the glue that makes ALT not just a community but the best of communities in which to make great connections to help face your challenges.